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Mark Jacks

St. James School Principal


If you are interested in this position and want to learn more contact Kelly Busa: [email protected]

The Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic schools serve more than 40,000 students in 150+ elementary and high schools in Cook and Lake counties. It is one of the largest private school systems in the United States. Its schools have received 96 Blue Ribbon awards from the U.S. Department of Education over the past 10 years.

The elementary school principal is hired by and is accountable to the pastor or the Jurisic person for the operation of the school. The principal is expected to abide by the established policies and procedures of the Archdiocese of Chicago, the Office of Catholic Schools, and the directives of the Superintendent of Catholic Schools. The principal participates in the annual performance review outlined by the Office of Catholic Schools.

Catholic Identity

  • Promotes and facilitates an environment which fosters the Catholic identity of the school
  • Ensures that the faculty is current in the areas of theology, religious education and catechetical skills
  • Promulgates and periodically revises the school mission statement and philosophy in collaboration with the school community
  • Encourages and educates students, school families and faculty member to celebrate liturgies, including Sunday Mass, and the season/feasts of the liturgical year
  • Promotes parent/guardian partnerships in advancing the mission of the school and the ministry of the Catholic education

Academic Excellence

  • Ensures all students learn to their fullest potential, using data to inform decision-making
  • Supervises implementation of the Office of Catholic Schools curricula in a rigorous, relevant, and age-appropriate manner that develops students’ ability to continually succeed
  • Assists faculty in utilizing effective learning strategies that integrate technology
  • Acts as the instructional leader of the school by recruiting, hiring, supervising, evaluating, and providing quality professional development for highly qualified, certified staff members to improve student learning

School Viability

  • Serves as the executive officer to the board, helping to prepare for meetings, informing them of policy, and leading their continual professional development and goal setting
  • Collaboratively develops and successfully implements strategic planning that involves representatives of all stakeholders of the school and wider community
  • Prepares the annual school budget in cooperation with the board and parish
  • Monitors the budget and finances to ensure proper cash flow with diverse funding sources to support the financial stability of the school
  • Provides for regular review of financial statements by the pastor/Jurisic person and board to ensure awareness of the financial position of the school and makes necessary adjustments for financial viability
  • Promulgates written local financial policies and procedures for collection and disbursement of all school funds based on Archdiocesan best practices and ensures their proper implementation
  • Stabilizes and/or grows enrollment to reach full capacity of the school by implementing an enrollment management plan, overseeing an enrollment management team, and conducting an annual appeal to provide for scholarships/programs
  • Ensures the maintenance and safety of the school plant according to local, state, Archdiocesan and the Office of Catholic Schools policies, procedures, and directives

General Administration

  • Designs and implements communication strategies to ensure that the pastor /Jurisic, staff, parish school families, prospective families, and the community are informed about school matters and engaged in the school
  • Develops appropriate handbooks for school families and school staff
  • Works with the board to successfully complete school and system goals
  • Utilizes teacher teams and shared leadership to delegate responsibilities
  • Develops an organized work environment and adheres to deadlines and requests
  • Oversees discipline in a respectful, proactive way according to Archdiocesan policy
  • Maintains professional, working relationships with all members of the school community and involves them in the decision-making process of the school where appropriate
  • Identifies, encourages, and mentors future school leaders
  • Maintains accurate local files and records for each student and employee
  • Attends required Archdiocesan, Office of Catholic Schools and local meetings
  • Implements conflict management procedures as necessary
  • Promotes a culture of respect for each member of the community
  • Oversees co-curricular activities (extended school day, sports, activity clubs) ensuring that the programs are in compliance with local and Archdiocesan policies
  • The principal is expected to supervise and evaluate staff and student progress and school safety through regular site visits to the classrooms and all other areas of the school plant.

Dates of employment: July 1st through June 30th of the school year, with attendance of all July meetings a requirement.



Masters or better in Education/Administration or related field.


Must be Catholic

3 years: Professional experience in a Catholic School

Licenses & Certifications
Administrator License

If you are interested in this position and want to learn more contact Kelly Busa: [email protected]

Ascension of the Lord

Mark 16:15

Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.

Readings for the Ascension of the Lord: Acts, Ephesians, Mark


In Mark 16:15-20, Jesus instructs his disciples to “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” This commissioning is the foundation of the Church’s mission, which is to carry the message of salvation to all corners of the earth. The word “mission” comes from the Latin word “missionem,” which means “to be sent.” This reflects the nature of our call—to be sent by God, the ultimate sender, to fulfill a specific task.

Reflecting on the mission of the Church, we are reminded of our role in this divine mission of love and redemption.

Just as Christ was sent by the Father to save the world, we too are sent to continue his work. Our mission is to proclaim the good news of salvation and bring others into communion with Christ.

We are challenged to consider how we are living out our mission. Are we actively sharing the gospel with others? Are we living lives that reflect the love and mercy of Christ? Let us embrace our mission with courage and zeal, knowing that through us, God’s love and salvation can reach the ends of the earth.

Reflection Questions

  • Do you consciously and purposefully share the good news of salvation with those around you?
  • In what specific ways can you demonstrate the love and mercy of Christ in your daily interactions?
  • How can you further develop your relationship with Christ to fulfill your mission within the Church effectively?

Sixth Sunday of Easter

John 15:12-13

This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends.

Sixth Sunday of Easter Readings: Acts, 1 John, John


We often use the word “love.” We say everything from “I love pizza” to “I love my children.” Yet, we hope that people “love” their children in a very different way than the way they “love” pizza. In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us, “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.” But what did he mean? In Koine Greek, the original language of the New Testament, there are different words for love, each of which means something different. For example, there is philos, which means “brotherly love” or close friendship; hence Philadelphia is the “City of Brotherly Love.” The word Jesus uses, however, is agape, which means to do good for the sake of the other person, without expectation of repayment or return.

For Jesus, it isn’t merely altruism, but the willingness to pour out your own life for the benefit of others, hence he says, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” We see this agape in the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus; he gave his life for our salvation.

Jesus, in turn, invites us to live in such a loving relationship with him. As he gave his life for us and continues to give himself to us in the Eucharist, we are called to love him and others in the same way. That is why he continues in today’s Gospel, “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain… This I command you: love one another.”

This command to “love” is not a command to have certain feelings. Agape is about what we choose to do and the reason behind it. There is a world of difference between loving our neighbor and liking our neighbor. That is why Christ can command us to even love our enemies. You can love someone you don’t like just as you can like someone you do not truly and authentically love. To love as Christ loves is authentic holiness; it is never easy.

Reflection Questions

  • Do I authentically love Christ, or do I merely like him? Am I a disciple or an admirer?
  • What are my struggles in willing in the good and doing good for people I don’t like?
  • Even with my family and friends, do I have expectations of repayment or return?

Fifth Sunday of Easter

John 15:5

"I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing."

Fifth Sunday of Easter Readings: Acts, 1 John, John


The Gospel for the 5th Sunday of Easter, John 15:1-8, invites us to reflect deeply on our spiritual journey. Christ uses the analogy of plants needing care to thrive. Just as plants require attention, our spiritual lives require us to remain connected to Christ, who is the vine. This connection is not merely superficial; it necessitates recognizing that our lives belong to Christ, who redeemed us. This understanding should fundamentally shape our daily lives, leading us to live as disciples of Jesus, seeking to grow in our faith and avoid sin.

John 15:1-8 emphasizes this message, with Jesus declaring, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.”

This passage underscores the necessity of remaining in Christ, being pruned through ongoing conversion, and bearing the fruits of love and holiness in our lives.

Reflecting on this, we are called to consider our closeness to Jesus, identify areas in our lives that need pruning, recognize where we are bearing fruit, and determine what steps we are willing to take to deepen our relationship with Him. The most fundamental aspect of our spiritual life is recognizing that our lives are not our own, but belong to Christ, who made us and redeemed us at a great price (1 Corinthians 6:20).

Reflection Questions

  • Are you actively remaining in Christ, recognizing that your life belongs to Him, and seeking to deepen your relationship with Him each day?
  • What areas of your life need pruning, where you are attached to things other than Christ?
  • In what ways are you bearing fruit in your life, reflecting the love and holiness of Christ to others?

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:12

"There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved"

Fourth Sunday of Easter Readings: Acts, 1 John, John


There is something scandalous in the readings of today’s Mass – Skandalon (from the Greek σκανδαλον) meaning a stumbling block or an offense. Particularly in today’s climate of “tolerance” and indifferentism, to make such a bold claim as Peter made when he said, “There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved,” is seen as arrogant and exclusive. It is exclusive – a claim that Jesus has something precious and unique to offer. Jesus Himself told His Apostles, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6.

Other world religions do not have the understanding of salvation that Christ revealed to us. They reject the notion of “divine filiation,” or becoming sons and daughters of God. That is also a scandal to other world religions.

In 1 John 3:1, we hear these words, “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are.”

These passages of Sacred Scripture reveal to us God’s desire for a communion of life and love with His creatures. Our God Jesus went to His death to make this happen. His Resurrection, which we celebrate in a glorious way during these fifty days of the Easter season, conquered death and gives us hope – hope that we will share His life eternally if we live for Him, and receive Baptism and the Holy Spirit. After that, we must go into the world and proclaim this Truth to everyone.

Reflection Questions

  • Reflect on the concept of “divine filiation” and how it shapes our identity as children of God. How does this belief influence your relationship with God and others?
  • How does the Resurrection of Jesus Christ give us hope for eternal life? How can we share this hope with others in our daily lives?

Third Sunday of Easter

Luke 24:48

"You are witnesses of these things."

Third Sunday of Easter Readings: Acts, 1 John, Luke


“You are witnesses of these things,says Jesus to the Apostles after His resurrection. What things is Jesus referring to? “Thus it is written that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.” Luke 24:46-48

In these verses Jesus is speaking to the whole Church as well. He is speaking to us today. Witnessing our Catholic faith to the world is the urgent task of every baptized and confirmed Catholic.

Recently Cardinal Gregory, the Archbishop of Washington, rightly spoke quite clearly about the unacceptable practice of choosing which Catholic teachings one will accept, while rejecting others. He was speaking particularly about those who publicly proclaim their Catholicism while rejecting and even attacking defined Church teaching. 

It can be a real temptation to downplay, ignore or even reject those challenging teachings of our Church. We are witnesses of these things. Let’s pray that the grace and the power of the Holy Spirit will strengthen us to be true witnesses.

Reflection Question

  • How can you better witness to your Catholic faith in your daily life, especially when faced with opposition or temptation to compromise on Church teachings?

Divine Mercy Sunday

Excerpt from St. Faustina's Diary

"I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon the souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet..."

Divine Mercy Sunday Readings: Acts, 1 John, John


Reflecting on St. Faustina’s life and the Divine Mercy message, we are drawn to the heart of God’s love and forgiveness. Just as Jesus appeared to His apostles in today’s Gospel passage from John, offering them peace and showing His wounds as a sign of His mercy, so too does He offer us the same mercy and peace.


In a world often focused on success and self-fulfillment, the idea of Divine Mercy can feel foreign. Yet, as we contemplate our own lives, we are confronted with our humanity, our flaws, and our sins. It is precisely in acknowledging these shortcomings that we open ourselves to receive God’s mercy and love.

Through the sacrament of reconciliation, we experience this love and mercy tangibly, feeling the cleansing power of forgiveness. As we journey, let’s remember our constant need for God’s mercy. Let’s approach Him with confidence, knowing that no sin is too great for His abundant grace. As St. Faustina recorded Jesus saying, “I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon the souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet…” (Diary 699).

Reflection Questions

  • How does the story of Jesus appearing to His apostles and offering them peace resonate with your own need for peace and mercy in your life?
  • In what ways do you struggle to acknowledge your flaws and sins, and how can reflecting on God’s mercy help you in this process?
  • How long has it been since you’ve approached God’s mercy in the sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession?

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday Readings: Acts, Colossians, John


Easter greetings to all on this happy and blessed day! We rejoice with the Church at our liberation from the bondage of sin. Jesus has won the victory for us.

One of the most dramatic and awesome moments in the reading of the Passion happens at the moment of Jesus’ death: Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed His last. The veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51-53).

In this powerful symbolic event the separation between God (whose holiness dwelt behind the veil in the Jerusalem temple) and His people was breached and healed. God and His people are now restored to communion through the saving death of Jesus which repaired the fracture caused by original sin. Within days, Jesus is raised from the tomb in the final conquest of Satan, sin and death. May we joyfully embrace the salvation He has won for us!

Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!

- Fr. Ed

Palm Sunday

Philippians 2:7-8

He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Full Palm Sunday Readings: Isaiah, Philippians, Mark


Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. – Philippians 2:6-7

St. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, chapter 2, presents the “Philippians Hymn.” This scripture is a moving description of Jesus’ humility in willingly sacrificing his own life out of great love. The concept of “emptying” (in Greek: kenosis) is understood as Jesus willingly laying aside his divine power. Dr. David Campbell wrote, “Jesus, the god-man, was fully divine, but veiled his glory to accomplish his mission – and prove humans could fulfill the Law of God with the help of the Holy Spirit and a commitment to faithfulness.”

This is the mystery we walk through this Holy Week, beginning with the reading of the Passion today.

Meditating on the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary – the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Scourging at the Pillar, the Crowning with Thorns, the Carrying of the Cross, and the Crucifixion – can help us to be united with Jesus as he endures his Passion. But his seemingly humiliating death is not the end.

The Philippians Hymn concludes with: Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. – Philippians 2:8-11

The one who was brutally executed has conquered death itself in his glorious Resurrection. God bless you this Holy Week.

- Fr. Ed


  • How does Jesus’ willingness to undergo suffering and death out of love for you deepen your understanding of God’s love?
  • In what areas of your life do you struggle to “empty yourself” and let go of control, trusting in God’s plan for you?
  • As we enter Holy Week, how can you make more time for prayer and reflection to be united with Jesus in his Passion?

Director of Evangelization and Formation


Position Type: Full Time

Department: Formation + Evangelization

Under the direction of the pastor, the Director of Evangelization and Formation provides leadership and oversight for Religious Education, Youth Discipleship and Evangelization, FOCUS Parish Outreach, and other efforts associated with evangelization and faith formation. This includes pastoral planning and needs assessment regarding evangelization and faith formation for the parish and school. The Director supports, accompanies, and equips the leaders in parish ministerial areas to focus their attention beyond parishioners and into the community at large.


  • Collaborates with the Pastor and other Pastoral Team members on discerning the vision that best enables the parish to offer ways for all parishioners to practice missionary discipleship.
  • Develops strategies and methods to help integrate new members into parish ministries and parish life overall.
  • Provides direct management and leadership for staff who direct Religious Education, Youth Discipleship and Evangelization, FOCUS Parish Outreach, as well as lay leaders who coordinate faith formation programs, such as RCIA.
  • Assists those who coordinate the parish ministries to help them align the vision of their specific ministries to the parish vision and develop teamwork that will support these efforts.
  • Develops an annual budget for the pastoral ministries that provide for parish vitality and evangelization in collaboration with the Controller.


  • Seven to ten years of experience in evangelization and/or faith formation working within a parish or religious organization.
  • Bachelors or Masters’ degree in Theology; religious education or related field and/or experience in parish catechetical ministry; Archdiocesan Catechist Certification; Protecting God’s Children trained.
  • Demonstrated success in leading and managing teams with a strong commitment to collaboration and teamwork among the clergy, staff, volunteers, groupings, and the Archdiocese of Chicago.
  • Technology, social media, and computer literacy.
  • Practicing Catholic with a solid grounding in Catholic identity and the faith tradition.
  • An evangelizer, yourself, who can share experiences of “being a disciple, and making disciples” in line with our parish mission statement.
  • Able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a reasonable balance among the legitimate claims of family, community, personal relationships, and ministry, and possess the ability to be sensitive to the realities of parish life as it is lived in our community.
  • A change maker, who can ascertain the future needs of ministries, develop plans, match resources to the needs, and implement.
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